domingo, 19 de julio de 2015

First weekend calling CQ SOTA & WWFF !!!

Esta vez hemos podido disfrutar de un largo fin semana de campo y radio, sin pasar mucho calor en altura. Tres días de campo activando varias referencias SOTAs y sobre todo dando a conocer estos espacios naturales de nuestra zona.
This last weekend, I have been enjoying a long field day, especially without becoming overheated from the summits. Three days activating several SOTA references and especially making known their Natural spaces.

The first was Orisol, EA2/ VI-014, which is located on Natural Park Urkiola popularly known as our Little Switzerland , 2nd one Recuenco, EA2/VI-007, which is located on Natural Park Valderejo a small Oasis with natural pools and 3rd one Txurruko Punta, EA2/SS-009, located on Natural Park Aizkorri-Aratz, the Basque Highlands.
Here the three Natural Parks that I have activated for the World Wide Flora Fauna during this weekend. Click on the image for more information... 
EAFF-184 Parque Natural Urkiola
EAFF-185 Parque Natural Valderejo
EAFF-178 Parque Natural Aizkorri-Aratz
Estas tres actividades se han realizado en Portable, trasmitiendo desde cumbres ubicadas dentro de los correspondientes espacios naturales protegidos, siendo la actividad válida para ambos Diplomas SOTA y WWFF.  

For more information on World Wide Flora Fauna and National EAFF program , please have a look at next links...

Durante estos tres días solo estuve activo en las bandas de 10 & 20 metros en SSB, aunque intenté los 10 metros la propagación no acompaño y me centré principalmente en la banda de 20 metros ya que es donde más actividad hay para dichos Diplomas.
EB2GKK/P station at Orisol, EA2/VI-014
From these summits, I have been operating with my IC703 at 10W with a new half wave inverted V dipole, but to my mind these last afternoons DX conditions have not been very bright. Anycase with this type of antenna I got greater impact compared with a single vertical aerial used before.
EB2GKK/P station at Recuenco, EA2/VI-007
Sumando las tres actividades se han logrado un total de 236 QSO´s sobre todo con EU y un total de 28 entidades trabajadas.
EB2GKK/P station at Txurruko Punta, EA2/SS-009
I had a total of 236 contacts in the log, making contacts with 28 geographic entities like Austria, Azores, Balearic & Canary islands, Belarus, Belgium, Czech, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Morocco, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian European & Asiatic, Slovak, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Ukraine.
During last days I saw that some stations were kind enough to spot me on SOTAWatch and other popular cluster, It highlights the benefit of spotting. 

Aspectos a destacar desde Orisol…. 

I went on to work a lot of EA stations on 10m SSB before QSY to 20m, propagation locally on 10m seemed to be very good this time. It was very pleasing to get Francisco, EA7JGZ/MM on 10m, he was sailing around the Ibiza island, in EA6 (5/5 sent).
After activating the summit for about 2hours, I had a total of 95 contacts in the log on 20m SSB and 10m SSB.  It was time to pack up and go down.
Ready for back home from Orisol.
Aspectos a destacar desde Recuenco…. 

I found a free frecuency on 14Mhz to be clear and put out a CQ call, this was immediately answered by a big pilleup. After 2 hours on the summit, a summer storm was approaching and I was forced to do QRT when the first raindrops began to fall.  
Recuenco, walking along the edge of the mountain
Aspectos a destacar desde Txurruko Punta…. 

Russian Asiatic and Morocco contacts on 20m also surprised me from this summits, signals were fine and very readable. Not strong signals at the end of the activations but very comfortable contacts.
Looking backward, Txurruko Punta behind horses
Todas las estaciones contactadas recibirán de cortesía la QSL en formato electrónico vía, los interesados que no disponga de este servicio se las puedo re-enviar via email sin problemas. Al mismo tiempo referente a las actividades relacionados con el programa WWFF World Wide flora & fauna subiré los logs electrónicos al coordinador del programa nacional EAFF para que estas entidades y referencias trabajadas se os acumulen de forma automática.

All QSLs will be send via eQSL, someone interested who does not have this service I could send it again via email without problems. At the same time concerning the activities related to World Wide WWFF Flora & Fauna program I will be uploading the electronic logs to the EAFF program manager.
Gracias a todos con quienes he podido contactar desde estos espacios naturales.

Thanks to everyone who helped get on these Summits and Natural Parks On The Air!
73 & 44