Awards & Certicate Store

HAIZE (Contacted 20 summits on 4 territories)
HAIZE (Activated 20 summits on 4 territories)
 EURI (Activated 30 different summits on 5 territories)

When someone reaches 1,000 points as Activator, achieves "Mountain Goat" status and if he is taking part as Chaser gets "Shack Sloth".  Next two certificates mark these significant achievements.

Achieving "Mountain Goat" requires considerable dedication and effort, especially depending on which country you live and often discussed "rules" that guard each entity. Anyway with this certificate I join the list of EA2-Activators they have reached earlier. I would like to finish emphasizing that most of these activations have been made in 145Mhz, with the intention of helping to revive this local band.

 EG2UNA "2015 EA2 SOTA Day"(14-06-2015)

SOTAZALE of the Year / SOTERO del año 2014

Participantes de la zona EA2 con el propósito de incentivar y motivar a los radioaficionados de la zona en el programa SOTA y reconocer de alguna manera el esfuerzo tanto de cazadores como de activadores, deciden realizar la siguiente Nominación SOTERO del año, a partir de 2014. Este primer año fui votado por los participantes en SOTA de EA2, que destacaron mi dedicación a SOTA, junto a mi carácter alegre, amable y la forma de operar en las activaciones.

Ham radio operators of EA2 who participated in the program SOTA as to encourage and motivate the activities around this program perform the following Annual Nomination, starting at 2014. EA2 Hams had the right to vote for their favorite candidate, I has been awarded with this annual nomination, to my mind other candidates also could be awarded thanks also for their good job done before me. 


>This is an award offered by Radio Club Henares (DVGE). This is for working 50 different spanish survey points on 40 Meters, SSB Mode and QRP.

>This other award is offered by Asociación Cultural Radioaficionados Costa Blanca (ACRAC). This is for working 50 different spanish castles, SSB Mode and QRP.

>This other comes from The International Award program “World Castles Award – WCA”.

>These are some awards offered by EAFF-Spanish Flora & Fauna ( WWFF national program) and WWFF global awards...  
Worked 5 natural areas from EA, SSB Mode and QRP.
Worked 10 natural areas from EA, SSB Mode and QRP.
Worked 20 natural areas from EA, SSB Mode and QRP.

Worked 50 natural areas from EA, SSB Mode and QRP.
Activated 5 natural areas from EA, SSB Mode and QRP.

 Activated 10 natural areas from EA, SSB Mode and QRP.

>These are some other awards offered by other National World Wide Flora Fauna programs...
Worked 6 natural areas from SP, SSB Mode and QRP.
Worked 10 natural areas from ON, SSB Mode and QRP.
Worked 5 natural areas from OZ, SSB Mode and QRP.
Worked 4 natural areas from CT, SSB Mode and QRP.
 Worked 5 natural areas from F, SSB Mode and QRP.
Worked 10 natural areas from F, SSB/CW Mode and QRP.
Worked 10 natural areas from PA, SSB/CW Mode and QRP. 
Worked 20 natural areas from DL, SSB/CW Mode and QRP.
Worked 10 natural areas from OK, SSB/CW Mode and QRP.
Worked 10 natural areas from HBFF, SSB/CW Mode and QRP.
Worked 10 natural areas from HB, SSB/CW Mode and QRP.