domingo, 8 de marzo de 2015

EA2/VI-008 Ballo (1198m), EH->F window was opened !!!

"Nice Tropo opening on 144Mhz band was predicted last weekend, EH->F window was opened"
We know that VHF radio signals are normally limited to a maximum area of approximately 150km, this last weekend we had a new chance to break our limits.
I was following this magical window during those three days and finally on sunday after four summits I could rest... let me start from the beginning.
After my radio break and favored by good weather I planned three walks for this weekend, visiting once again summits from Aralar, Elgea and Opakua mountain areas.
Aralar mendiak, are located in the heart of Basque Country, people say that Pyrenees start here in the Aralar mountains. I could check it easily just looking the whiteness of the snow, how it forms a line of junction between these two mountain ranges. 
I started activating Sarastarri, from where I had an incomparable panoramic view of this mountains.
EB2GKK/P station at Sarastarri, EA2/SS-057
This picture taken from this first summit shows far away my second target, snowed Ganboa.
Last hour of the route I found more snow than expected so I reached the summit with some delay.
The cold keeps the last snow on the summit
The following picture shows us the beautiful snowed Pyrenees in the horizon line from Ganboa summit.
EB2GKK/P station at Ganboa, EA2/SS-056
Next day on saturday, my steps headed towards the Elgea mountains in particular towards Aumategi summit.
This was spring day, ideal to relax and have a quiet day while I was waiting for strong beat signals of the tropo. Nothing of any special had taken place so we spend rest of the time talking with local chasers.
EB2GKK/P station at Aumategi, EA2/SS-003
Finally on sunday came the great day, I headed to the high grassland of Opakua mountains.
My working conditions was the Yagui 3 elements and TM-V71E set up to medium power, 10W.

EB2GKK/P station at Ballo, EA2/VI-008
The strongest levels arrived after lunch time from our neighboring country was what made me think of turning the yagui to France, getting from Ballo summit far contacts over 350kms. 

Tropo forecast map
Many local stations have been surprised here once again, listening my CQ SOTA calls in English...
I worked a total of 21 stations of which 3 are from France, including 2 Summit to Summit contacts with EA2OX and EA2BDS. Do not think that this band is dead in our area EA2, I hope this activation will inspire other stations to use this band&mode also for DXs.

EB2GKK/P station busy at Ballo
Next map I show you some of the more distant contacts from IN82uu:

13:05,145475,FM,EA2LU, IN92dt
13:11,145475,FM,EA1BOT, IN82sl
13:39,145475,FM,F8GGD, IN95uq
13:48,145475,FM,EA2BDS/P, IN83ie
14:38,145475,FM,F6FIC, IN96cm
14:49,145475,FM,F1MRO, IN95lq 
It is true that I have been following the tropo propagation forecast report maps, so this time I have not been surprised. About the selected summit I can say that it has been successful to point my aerial towards French lands. I feel a little sad for not having a big pile up from that side but looking forward to improving this result next time. Anycase, I was very lucky to get these french contacts.
If some UK stations were there QSYing and trying to contact me… I am sorry if we were so close, maybe next time the wind blows from another direction.
Looking forward to hearing you during the next tropo pass.
73s de Inaki.

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